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Practice Areas


Bail Hearings


Bail is one of the most important junctures in a criminal proceeding. If a person is detained then they will have to sit in jail for a very long time period in order to stand trial. 


A bail hearing is a judicial proceeding where the court determines if a person charged with a criminal offence should be released on bail.


Toronto bail hearing lawyer Elliott Willschick has done numerous successful bail hearings. An experienced lawyer can mean the difference between facing your charges out of jail or while sitting in jail for what could be a very long time. 



Impaired Driving


Impaired driving and over 80 charges can be very difficult especially if your career depends on your driver's license. These charges are very technical and you owe it to yourselfto consult with a lawyer to explore your options. 


We have an extremely high success rate in having our clients' cases dismissed, or the charges reduced by the courts.


Toronto Impaired Driving lawyer Elliott Willschick has defended many people on these charges and will defend you vigorously. 



Domestic Assaults


These charges can happen to anyone.  Suddenly, the family unit is torn apart as the Crown will not let even a husband and wife have contact. 


Once the calm returns, the complainent may wish to have the charges dropped.  Unfortunately, this cannot be done once the charges are laid.



Toronto Domestic Assault lawyer Elliott Willschick has defended numerous people on these charges.




Drug Charges


Drug offences should be treated seriously. The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) governs drug charges in Canada. The punishment will depend on the allegations as well as the type of substance. Even a conviction for simple possession of marijuana can stop a person from travelling to the United States.


Toronto drug lawyer Elliott Willschick will defend your Charter rights by analyzing the Crown's case and determining the weaknesses in order to argue for an acquittal. Elliott has extensive experience with search warrants and will stop at nothing to ensure that you have the best defence possible. 




Other Charges


Gun/Weapons Charges

Sexual Assault



Criminal Organizations

While Collar Fraud

Youth Court cases


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